Video surveillance has become one of the essential tools for enhancing safety and security in various environments, from every type of business to public spaces, and homes. With advancements in technology, video surveillance systems can now capture high-quality footage, but this comes with a significant challenge: storage.

The storage of video surveillance data is a significant challenge for many organizations. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the challenges that come with video surveillance storage and how Cloud Collect Bridge can help.

Let’s begin with some of the most common video surveillance storage challenges:

  • Challenge #1 Storage Capacity

Video surveillance systems can generate vast amounts of data, especially in high-resolution formats. The more cameras you have, the more data you need to store. This means that organizations need to invest in storage solutions that can handle large volumes of data.

  • Challenge #2 Data Retention

The retention period of video surveillance footage is another challenge for organizations. Some industries have regulatory requirements that dictate the retention period for footage. For instance, financial institutions may be required to retain footage for up to seven years. This means that organizations need to have storage solutions that can store data for long periods.

  • Challenge #3 Retrieval Time

When an incident occurs, organizations need to retrieve footage quickly to investigate the incident. The longer it takes to retrieve the footage, the less useful it becomes. Retrieval time is affected by the amount of data stored and the efficiency of the storage system.

  • Challenge #4 Security

Video surveillance data is sensitive and needs to be protected from unauthorized access. The storage solution needs to have appropriate security measures to prevent data breaches. Data encryption, user authentication, and access controls are some of the security measures that organizations can use to protect their video surveillance data.

  • Challenge #5 Cost

The cost of video surveillance storage can be significant for organizations, especially for those with large-scale surveillance systems. The cost of storage devices, backup systems, and maintenance can quickly add up. Furthermore, Life Cycle of On-Premise Hardware falls in line with typical Technology which has an anticipated a life cycle of 5 years. This means the End-user has to continually make CAPEX investments in that hardware for an indefinite period and to a greater extent as storage requirements increase due to camera proliferation and performance enhancements.

  • Challenge # 6: On-Premise Only Storage

Many organizations have an on-premise only storage system in place. This represents a single point of failure for complete loss of all recorded content.

Solving Video Surveillance Challenges with Cloud Collect Bridge

Cloud Collect Bridge simplifies the process for end-users to embrace the cloud via a Hybrid On-Premise to Cloud model for storing Video Surveillance data. Cloud Collect Bridge allows you to leverage your legacy hardware and Windows based VMS platforms and gradually migrate to cloud storage while using your traditional VMS user interface.

The result offers end-users the ability to increase storage capacity, store and retain footage for longer periods of time, find and retrieve footage fast using your own VMS cost-effectively and securely in the cloud.

Take Action Today

Video surveillance storage is a complex and challenging issue for many organizations. The challenges of storage capacity, data retention, retrieval time, security, and cost must be addressed to ensure that the system remains effective.

Organizations need to invest in storage solutions that can handle the amount of data generated by their surveillance systems, ensure data is retained for the required period, and can be retrieved quickly and securely. Cloud Collect has your solution, it’s called Cloud Collect Bridge – request a Demo today to learn more, see pricing models and discover how to get started.